William Alvin Holden


Liza "Schneider" Holden family

William and Liza Holden family 1915

William Alvin Holden and Liza (Schneider) Holden,

Goldie Marie Holden and(the baby) Ralph Andrew Holden.

Photo courtesy of: Violet (Manley) Saunders

Phototaken 1915


Schneider Family
Standing: Liza Ellen, Edna, Isaac, Lucinda and Florence Schneider.

Seated: Benjamin Andrew Schneider and Mary Serena (Lee) Schneider.

Photo courtesy of: Violet (Manley) Saunders


Violet and Loveta Manley with spouses
Right to Left:

Dave Saunders, Violet (Manley) Saunders, Loveta (Manley) Salmon and Keith Salmon, photo taken May 2, 1999. Violet and Loveta are grt-granddaughters of Benjamin Andrew Schneider and Mary Serena (Lee) Schneider.

Photo courtesy of: Violet (Manley) Saunders and you can see her in this picture :o)


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